Author Archives: Cha

Raising Third Culture Children

Raising Third Culture Children

Raising third culture children can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. The term ‘third culture’ is used to refer to children whose parents are from different cultures, or who have lived in multiple countries, and thus are exposed to a variety of cultures. This can be a great opportunity for children to learn about different cultures and gain a truly global perspective. However, raising third culture children can also be difficult as they often feel a sense of displacement and may struggle to find a sense of belonging.

Here are some tips for raising third culture children:

  1. Embrace Different Cultures: Encourage your children to explore their different backgrounds and cultures. Allow them to learn about the different traditions and customs of their parents’ cultures. Encourage them to take part in cultural activities and to make friends with people from different backgrounds.
  2. Celebrate Diversity: Make sure your children understand the importance of respecting and celebrating diversity. Show them that people from different cultures have many similarities that should be appreciated.
  3. Use Technology: Technology is a great way for third culture children to stay connected with their extended family and friends from different countries. Have conversations with your children about the different cultures they are exposed to and use technology to show them the different places they can visit.
  4. Promote a Sense of Belonging: Help your children find a sense of belonging by fostering a supportive and loving environment at home. Encourage them to find activities, like sports or music, that allow them to build a community of friends and mentors.
  5. Foster Open Communication: Open communication is key to helping your third culture children navigate their mixed heritage. Talk to your children about what they are feeling and provide them with the emotional support they need.

By following these tips, you can help your third culture children grow up feeling proud of their heritage and gain a global perspective.

How to Create a Life of Freedom

How to Create a Life of Freedom

Creating a life with more freedom is an achievable goal that can bring with it a greater sense of fulfilment and joy. It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a life with more freedom, as everyone’s unique lifestyle and circumstances will require different strategies. However, there are some general tips and strategies that can help you create more freedom in your life.


First, take some time to reflect on what freedom means to you and how it would look in your life. Think about what would make you feel liberated and empowered. Would it be having more time to pursue hobbies and interests? Spending more time with family and friends? Having more financial security? Once you have identified what freedom means to you, you can start to devise a plan to make it a reality.

Focus on Building the Life You Want

Secondly, focus on building a strong foundation for your life. This could include getting organized by decluttering your home, creating a budget and getting on top of your finances, and setting up systems to help you manage your time. Having a solid foundation will help you create a life with more freedom in the long-term.

Simply Your Life

Thirdly, start to look for ways to simplify your life. Look for ways to automate or streamline tasks, outsource things that you don’t enjoy doing, or scale back your commitments and responsibilities. Learning how to say no can also be essential to creating a life with more freedom.

Remember to Take Care of Yourself

Finally, make sure that you take time to relax and take care of yourself. Taking time to relax and recharge can help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards creating a life with more freedom.

Creating a life with more freedom is an achievable goal, but it will require some effort and dedication. By taking the time to reflect on what freedom means to you, building a strong foundation for your life, simplifying your life, and taking care of yourself, you can create a life with more freedom and fulfilment.

How to Successfully Move Abroad

How to Successfully Move Abroad

Moving abroad can be an exciting and daunting experience. Preparing for such a significant life change can be overwhelming, but you can easily make your move smooth and successful with the proper steps. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your journey abroad:

  1. Research your destination: Before packing your bags and jetting off, make sure you’ve researched. Read up on your new home’s culture, customs, and language. This will help you adjust when you get there and be more prepared for any surprises you may encounter.
  2. Make a budget: Setting a budget is critical when moving abroad. Make sure you know how much money you’ll need for living expenses, rent, and other costs. It can also be helpful to set aside some money for emergencies.
  3. Sort out all necessary paperwork: Moving abroad usually requires paperwork. Ensure you have all the necessary documents, such as a valid passport, visa, and other permits.
  4. Find a place to live: Before you move, you’ll need to arrange your housing. Research different neighborhoods and look for apartments or houses that fit your budget and needs.
  5. Make a plan for your career and education: If you’re pursuing a career or furthering your education abroad, make sure you’ve prepared beforehand. Research the job market in your destination and look into available educational opportunities.
  6. Know your options for transportation: Depending on where you’re going, you may need to arrange your transportation. Research the various options, such as public transportation, rental cars, or taxi services, so you can get around when you arrive.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a successful move abroad. Good luck!

Hello world!

Welcome to Life’s A Vacay.

Life’s A Vacay is an international podcast about blurring the lines between work and play. Welcome to our new platform where you can listen to new podcasts, read about inspirational people making dreams come true, or find an event and connect.

It’s unnecessary to wait for the right moment to make your life a dream come true. There is no time greater than this moment. None of us are promised to have one more moment, day, month, or year. So, what are you waiting for? You have the power to create the life of your dreams today! No one said it would be easy, but it has to be worth it. Decide to do something, and then take inspired action in the direction of your dreams…create a plan and move!

In the meantime, we are interviewing ordinary people doing amazing things in life. Some still have 9 to 5 jobs, and some have quit their jobs to pursue their dreams. Either way, they all are answering the call to live on purpose and blur the lines between work and play or what we like to call VACAY! So, keep coming back and checking our weekly podcast or reading the blog.

Mother’s Day Yacht Party

When you think about living a Life of Vacay, it’s all about doing what you love on your terms. I wanted to have a yacht party this Mother’s Day, so I did, and it was fantastic. Here are some of the highlights.

As a mother, you work hard every day, and your work can often go unnoticed. So, I wanted to celebrate motherhood this year with other women in an unconventional way. I wanted a day where we could relax, be free, and enjoy ourselves. However, I didn’t want to sit on the beach and have a few cocktails. Life’s A Vacay, so let’s rent a yacht and have a fabulous day on the water, eating, drinking, relaxing, and celebrating with one another.

Some like it simple, but I like it top-notch!

Anyone can gather their girls and create a nice relaxing day, but Mother’s Day should be unique. This year I did just that with eight other beautiful women in Mexico. We rented a yacht, had food catered, listened to music, took photos, and sailed the Gulf of Mexico for six hours. The weather was terrific, not too hot, actually just right. The water was warm, the food was great, and the service on board was excellent.

It wasn’t elaborate, but it wasn’t dinner with flowers either.

This year’s Mother’s Day will be memorable. When you have a Life of Vacay, you design how you want to create it. If you like dinner and movies, by all means, have dinner and a movie. However, if you’re going to do something different and step outside the box, get a yacht!

Holidays are some of the best times to Vacay!

The Top Ten Reasons I Love Traveling

1.      I can see the world from a different perspective. As the old saying goes, “Perception is Reality.” When you get to know a place through your own eyes, everything you ever heard or read begins to get challenged based on what you see firsthand for yourself. So, I think it’s not confirmed until you have discovered it yourself. 


2.       Humanity and putting a face on the people of the world. This is a run-on of #1. We all have heard about the people in said country (Iran, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Egypt, etc.). Still, if we have never met them, touched them, or communicated with them. Unfortunately, we tend to see them as faceless creatures we’ve heard about through the media. However, when you get the opportunity to meet people in person, they become real. Your compassion for how they are treated, living, and for them begins to change. It becomes AUTHENTIC. If you could see the starving children in an underdeveloped country, they wouldn’t be a commercial story, they would become a conversation with a heartfelt meaning behind it, and maybe the world would change.


3.       Beauty is in the eye of its beholder. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, if you go to the beach and feel the sand sifting through your toes and smell the ocean as the warm breeze tickles your nose, how many more words would it be worth describing your experience? Traveling to the place gives you much more than the photo could ever provide. Sure, pictures are fantastic, they help you remember, but the experience of being and seeing firsthand leaves an impression that will live with you forever.


Photo by Ella Olsson on

4.       I love to EAT!!! Now, I know you can feel me when I say AUTHENTIC. There is something very different about eating at an authentic Mexican restaurant rather than an excellent ole commercial Tex-Mex restaurant. The Tex-Mex can’t even compare. Now, I love Tex-Mex, so don’t get me wrong. However, I would rather eat authentic Mexican food any day of the week. So, when you travel, you get the opportunity to eat the food the way the people of that particular area intended it. Remember, real is always better than the replica anyways!

5.       Learning experience. When you travel and visit a different city, state, or country, you learn much more than you could ever learn by reading, hearing about it from someone else, or watching a movie, documentary, or television show. So, I encourage you to get out and travel, and you will come back with so much more knowledge, which will also allow you to teach other people who will not get the same opportunity.

6. Expand your thought process. We live in a world that can be very narrow, but when you travel, you get to experience things that will hopefully enlighten how you think or see something. Sometimes you even get to dispel rumors about places you have believed all your life. Traveling opens the door to many new beginnings.


Photo by cottonbro on

7.       Relaxation. I love living in the city and having many options, but sometimes I want to rest and leave all the worries of life behind. Traveling allows you the opportunity to do that. If you take a day or two to sit on the beach and be, everything you do in your day-to-day hustle and bustle becomes worth it. Relax and take a moment to smell the roses. When you take this time away from everything that you think you must do, you then learn to appreciate life, and you also get the opportunity to rejuvenate your thoughts and prepare to move forward.

8.       Pampering. Now, you should always take the time to pamper yourself no matter where you are, but some of my best pamperings were experienced while traveling. Going on a nice vacation is always a good idea to go to the spa and get pampered. Make sure you eat the best of the best and experience the best parts of the place you visit.

9.       Interesting stories. Life is fascinating! At least mine is. When you get the opportunity to travel and see different places, meet interesting people, eat delicious food, and experience things you can only dream about doing. Then you tend to develop the best life stories ever. Remember, everyone is not going to take a chance, veer off the beaten path, or will be able to afford the opportunities to travel, so your stories allow others to live through you vicariously. Live and then tell about it!


In Mexico with friends

10.   I get to reinvent myself through my experiences. It’s great to see a different place, meet new people, eat fresh foods, learn something different, and create lifelong stories to tell future generations, but one of the reasons I love traveling is that I get to reinvent myself through the places I’ve been and the things I have done. When you travel, look at it like a snake shedding layers of dead skin you’ve been lugging around for years. What you may have brought to a situation can be shed by being open to seeing, feeling, and being in the moment. At home, you may have become complacent in your environment, but when you go somewhere new, you have the chance to try something you have dreamed of experiencing. If you don’t like who you are anymore, you can become someone known (as long as you aren’t lying to others or yourself). Reinvent yourself and find the courage to live outside the box because there isn’t much room for living inside the box.